German cabinet approves smoking ban Germany's cabinet has approved a plan to ban smoking on public transport and in federal buildings. The plan leaves open the possibility of special rooms being set aside for smokers. The government also on Wednesday raised the age limit for buying cigarettes to 18, from the current limit of 16. The legislation, which still needs parliamentary approval, is due to take effect from September 1. Germany has moved towards curbs on smoking despite being one of Europe's most tobacco-friendly countries, but its rules may fall short of tougher measures being implemented elsewhere in Europe. Ulla Schmidt, Germany's health minister, said: "I think a lot of people can, literally, breathe easier now." Schmidt added that "so long as a sufficient number of rooms is available, special rooms can - but don't have to be - designated for smokers." The ban would apply to buses, trains, stations, aircraft, federal courts, ministries and other government buildings. German efforts to ban smoking in all public places suffered a setback last December amid concerns over who is responsible for a possible ban - the federal government or the country's 16 states. Last Friday, state officials agreed in principle on a smoking ban in public buildings, including theatres and cinemas. However, the states left open the possibility of allowing separate smoking rooms in restaurants, and at least two regional governments would like to allow exemptions for bars. "We have done what we can at the federal level," Schmidt said. 新聞來源: Al Jazeera http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/9DF21A07-6268-45CB-9493-63B39F71582A.htm |
第十三條 左列場所不得吸菸: 一、圖書室、教室及實驗室。 二、表演廳、禮堂、展覽室及會議廳(室)。 三、室內體育館及游泳池。 四、民用航空器、客運汽車、纜車、計程車、渡船、電梯間、密閉式之鐵路列車、捷運系統之車站、車廂及其他各種密閉式之公共運輸工具。 五、托兒所、幼稚園。 六、醫療機構、護理機構、其他醫事機構及殘障福利機構。 七、金融機構、郵局及電信局之營業場所。 八、製造、儲存或販賣易燃易爆物品之場所。 九、其他經中央主管機關指定公告之場所。 前項場所,應設置明顯禁菸標示。 第十四條 下列場所除吸菸區(室)外,不得吸菸: 一、學校、社教館、紀念館、圖書館、博物館、美術館、文化中心。 二、歌劇院、電影院及其他演藝場所。 三、觀光旅館、百貨公司、超級市場、購物中心及建築樓地板面積二百平方公尺以上之餐廳。 四、非密閉式之鐵路列車及輪船。 五、車站、港口、機場之售票室及旅客等候室。 六、政府機關及公營事業機構。 七、社會福利機構。 八、其他經中央主管機關指定公告之場所。 前項吸菸區(室)應有明顯之區隔及標示。 |
時代雜誌 Can Europe kick the tobacco habit?
結果~~~也沒戒成功...因為煙癮又犯啦!!! ~h__h~ Love purple