It's Wednesday with a Twist (or an Olive, if You Prefer). What: Virgin America proudly announces SuperFly Wednesdays—where mixing, mingling, and networking happen in style. Make connections over complimentary cocktails* and seat-to-seat chat. If you like, you can even jump in a conversation on our in-flight chat rooms. This is our happy hour in the sky to get you through the rest of the week. Check back here for exciting announcements about who's flying with us on SuperFly Wednesdays. Your boarding pass is the ticket to the after-party. Continue on like a true jet-setter upon arrival and head over to these fabulous spots for some more complimentary drinks and special room rates. When: Wednesdays, May 21st and 28th, June 4th, 11th, and 18th Where: Flt 313, JFK to LAX, departs 5:05 pm Flt 1839, SFO to LAX, departs 6 pm Flt 1777, SFO to LAS, departs 7:15 pm Flt 1852, LAX to SFO, departs at 3:55pm Why: Because we're Virgin America and we love to stir things up. Las Vegas: Tao** at The Venetian Los Angeles: The Tropicana at the Roosevelt*** San Francisco: XYZ**** at W San Francisco For More Information and Hotel Reservations: The Venetian 702.414.1000 The Roosevelt 323.466.7000 The W Hotel 415.777.5300 原文網址: http://www.virginamerica.com/va/search.do?method=promoLanding |
這真是太酷了,Virgin America推出週三狂歡夜活動,不但邀請名人搭乘這些「週三派對班機」,飛機上有面對面的座椅及雞尾酒,還有特別隔出的「聊天室」讓你在飛機上也能社交一下,而且憑登機證還能參加「飛行後派對」,在Las Vegas威尼斯人的Tao、Los Angeles羅斯福飯店的The Tropicana、及San Francisco W飯店的XYZ等,盡情當個「派對怪獸」(party Animal)吧!
"This is our happy hour in the sky to get you through
回覆刪除the rest of the week" 聽起來就覺得很需要啊~ :~
任何人都可以買票搭乘, 就跟一般的班機一樣, 名人是航空公司邀請招待的, 用來吸引更多乘客, 畢竟, 大家都期待坐飛機時旁邊有漂亮名模之類的吧?
回覆刪除嗯嗯, 至少這種idea還蠻有趣的.
刪除BTW, 您那顆大大鑽石是怎樣? 已經變成無敵VIP了嗎?